
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017

Eyes of God 🔥 🔥

http://ift.tt/2BAyUaT via /r/NatureIsFuckingLit http://ift.tt/2keLmbR http://ift.tt/2BAyUaT

I tried to take a funny picture of her chicken wing loaf but she looked at me and I got the sweetest photo ❤😭

http://ift.tt/2Am5ugg via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2ivPwMk http://ift.tt/2Am5ugg

Cards Against Humanity has said if Trump goes low, they will go lower.

http://ift.tt/2it7gIa via /r/pics http://ift.tt/2iu2ytq http://ift.tt/2it7gIa

When Max von Sydow played an elderly priest in The Exorcist he was only 43 years old. The groundbreaking makeup was so convincing that Max admits he was only offered elderly parts for many years afterwards.

http://ift.tt/2Ai9znF via /r/MovieDetails http://ift.tt/2zEQ9q2 http://ift.tt/2Ai9znF

So much great porn goes unwatched due to poor thumbnail choices

No text found via /r/Showerthoughts http://ift.tt/2zT9Heu No text found

So my uncle set up a doorbell camera... This is what he got notified of, via text, while he was at work on its first day in use. It's his neighbor..

http://ift.tt/2i52Q6n via /r/funny http://ift.tt/2zCPiWR http://ift.tt/2i52Q6n

This piece of art by my Uncle hurts my head.

http://ift.tt/2AsqTXP via /r/woahdude http://ift.tt/2keaNun http://ift.tt/2AsqTXP

Apparently booked a business trip on a furry flight...I feel like I’ve entered a different dimension

http://ift.tt/2i5S4Nj via /r/pics http://ift.tt/2ALcHcQ http://ift.tt/2i5S4Nj

She was an old dog when she moved in with us - nine years old at the time. Last month she turned old enough to be able to vote.

http://ift.tt/2AtrY1y via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2iuhVCn http://ift.tt/2AtrY1y

Astronomers spot a planet so hostile they had a hard time believing it

http://ift.tt/2ipQ5Hc via /r/space http://ift.tt/2AmnHuf http://ift.tt/2ipQ5Hc

EA Says People Don't Like Linear Games Anymore. EA Is Wrong.

http://ift.tt/2niwDhm via /r/gaming http://ift.tt/2zE2Hhu http://ift.tt/2niwDhm

A friend of mine works for UPS and is now delivering mail by bike

http://ift.tt/2BmYSxB via /r/mildlyinteresting http://ift.tt/2ixa7j7 http://ift.tt/2BmYSxB

TIL businessman Armand Hammer got asked so much if he worked at Arm & Hammer, he bought enough stock in the company to get on their board of directors

http://ift.tt/1JRNbvr via /r/todayilearned http://ift.tt/2ngyF1k http://ift.tt/1JRNbvr

The Black Panther’s technology is truly amazing.

http://ift.tt/2itX0zt via /r/BlackPeopleTwitter http://ift.tt/2i4hL0A http://ift.tt/2itX0zt

Singapore building structure.

http://ift.tt/2nfU0ba via /r/gifs http://ift.tt/2Avdyh8 http://ift.tt/2nfU0ba

Meeting the big dogs

http://ift.tt/2Au9Q7r via /r/funny http://ift.tt/2jAQvXR http://ift.tt/2Au9Q7r

This is why you don’t get into twitter fights with professional comedians

http://ift.tt/2zDv7Im via /r/PoliticalHumor http://ift.tt/2BrelN3 http://ift.tt/2zDv7Im

Alex DeLarge Forced To Step Down As Leader Of Droogs Amidst Allegations Of Sexual Misconduct

http://ift.tt/2jB7Lwm via /r/movies http://ift.tt/2Al6rph http://ift.tt/2jB7Lwm

A photicular book

http://ift.tt/2Ask5t6 via /r/interestingasfuck http://ift.tt/2isOu3J http://ift.tt/2Ask5t6

My Most Treasured Possession

http://ift.tt/2AKWTXy via /r/comics http://ift.tt/2itbyPK http://ift.tt/2AKWTXy

[Fahrenheit 451] This passage in which Captain Beatty details society's ultra-sensitivity to that which could cause offense, and the resulting anti-intellectualism culture which caters to the lowest common denominator seems to be more relevant and terrifying than ever.

"Now let's take up the minorities in our civilization, shall we? Bigger the population, the more minorities. Don't step on the toes of the dog-lovers, the cat-lovers, doctors, lawyers, merchants, chiefs, Mormons, Baptists, Unitarians, second-generation Chinese, Swedes, Italians, Germans, Texans, Brooklynites, Irishmen, people from Oregon or Mexico. The people in this book, this play, this TV serial are not meant to represent any actual painters, cartographers, mechanics anywhere. The bigger your market, Montag, the less you handle controversy, remember that! All the minor minor minorities with their navels to be kept clean. Authors, full of evil thoughts, lock up your typewriters. They did. Magazines became a nice blend of vanilla tapioca. Books, so the damned snobbish critics said, were dishwater. No wonder books stopped selling, the critics said. But the public, knowing what it wanted, spinning happily, let the comic-books survive. And the three-dimensional sex-magazine...

This Christmas Sweater that uses your phone as a fireplace

http://ift.tt/2i48KVi via /r/INEEEEDIT http://ift.tt/2jzPfEi http://ift.tt/2i48KVi

Cosplay level: 10,000

http://ift.tt/2AtktaB via /r/gaming http://ift.tt/2AqEaAb http://ift.tt/2AtktaB

Forensics class fingerprinted a balloon and then inflated it for a lab.

http://ift.tt/2BzWrbZ via /r/mildlyinteresting http://ift.tt/2k9U0Zd http://ift.tt/2BzWrbZ

This vanity tag

http://ift.tt/2jyBENK via /r/pics http://ift.tt/2zSSkKM http://ift.tt/2jyBENK

I am eating cheese and my cat is watching me and pretending that he is also eating cheese

http://ift.tt/2ioZpLD via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2it1KoZ http://ift.tt/2ioZpLD

Americans Taxed $400 Billion For Fiber Optic Internet That Doesn’t Exist

http://ift.tt/2Bu3jYr via /r/technology http://ift.tt/2BARn7g http://ift.tt/2Bu3jYr

I made the mistake of dressing like Charlie Chaplin for Halloween at my new office

http://ift.tt/2AKXqJ1 via /r/HighQualityGifs http://ift.tt/2AfXlMu http://ift.tt/2AKXqJ1

Russia says it will ignore any UN ban of killer robots.

http://ift.tt/2zQn1QN via /r/worldnews http://ift.tt/2BqyqDb http://ift.tt/2zQn1QN

TIL that the German grocery store Aldi is actually two stores: Aldi Nord and Aldi Sud. In the US, Aldi Sud has been rebranded as Aldi, and Aldi Nord is what we now know as Trader Joe's.

http://ift.tt/2xNI4RG via /r/todayilearned http://ift.tt/2AKziWX http://ift.tt/2xNI4RG

Owner reunites with dog that was missing for 12 days.

http://ift.tt/2AsZ80Z via /r/gifs http://ift.tt/2kdgetx http://ift.tt/2AsZ80Z

Diana Rigg, known for playing Olenna Tyrell in Game of Thrones, 1960s

http://ift.tt/2isg15j via /r/OldSchoolCool http://ift.tt/2iramMO http://ift.tt/2isg15j

MRW I realize back in 2009 I bought 100 million Dollars worth of weed in Bitcoin's current price.

http://ift.tt/2BmH19O via /r/reactiongifs http://ift.tt/2ipKsJ4 http://ift.tt/2BmH19O

Machines are rising

http://ift.tt/2j4OzHF via /r/funny http://ift.tt/2Bzs0Ta http://ift.tt/2j4OzHF

Google now prohibits apps that use lockscreen ads

http://ift.tt/2iqLswN via /r/Android http://ift.tt/2jA7rxM http://ift.tt/2iqLswN

snow decahedron

http://ift.tt/2zB1yqJ via /r/oddlysatisfying http://ift.tt/2jz4a1D http://ift.tt/2zB1yqJ

When you realize you're the least attractive of your friends

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-Mkz29Qk0k via /r/videos http://ift.tt/2AqPcFh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e-Mkz29Qk0k

Someone put tape on this raised bit of sidewalk

http://ift.tt/2j4ehvX via /r/HumansBeingBros http://ift.tt/2AlCqFG http://ift.tt/2j4ehvX

TIL actress Kate Mara is the great-granddaughter of both Tim Mara (founder of the NY Giants) and Art Rooney (founder of the Pittsburgh Steelers). Her acting contracts have a clause stating that if any of these teams make it to the Super Bowl, she will attend the game before work.

http://ift.tt/1FRW9dq via /r/todayilearned http://ift.tt/2AHPLuY http://ift.tt/1FRW9dq

Our IT department made a Christmas wreath out of computer parts

http://ift.tt/2Bo72Wr via /r/mildlyinteresting http://ift.tt/2j2g8RW http://ift.tt/2Bo72Wr

Augmented reality billboard in London

http://ift.tt/2rNRF95 via /r/BeAmazed http://ift.tt/2AqMEqR http://ift.tt/2rNRF95

'Mindhunter' Renewed for Season 2 at Netflix

http://ift.tt/2Asakv6 via /r/television http://ift.tt/2i4UMTi http://ift.tt/2Asakv6

A close call at 1st base

http://ift.tt/2jyllR4 via /r/sports http://ift.tt/2AoEwqJ http://ift.tt/2jyllR4

Goose won't be bullied

http://ift.tt/2ArBFNI via /r/gifs http://ift.tt/2AprV6O http://ift.tt/2ArBFNI

New study finds that most redditors don’t actually read the articles they vote on.

http://ift.tt/2As5Qoc via /r/science http://ift.tt/2jzYcgP http://ift.tt/2As5Qoc

TrAnSpaRenT sChEmE To eNd CO-wORkEr'S LIFe

http://ift.tt/2A4u6wg via /r/PeopleFuckingDying http://ift.tt/2AgbHwk http://ift.tt/2A4u6wg

Woman left homeless after thieves steal her house

http://ift.tt/2inCmRn via /r/nottheonion http://ift.tt/2ApWYzj http://ift.tt/2inCmRn

Felt relevant here

http://ift.tt/2nhQiOf via /r/justneckbeardthings http://ift.tt/2zAi3TZ http://ift.tt/2nhQiOf

When your game is so popular your test server is in the top 10 played steam games

http://ift.tt/2zRtYkF via /r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS http://ift.tt/2AK4GoD http://ift.tt/2zRtYkF

Kid nearly drowns

http://ift.tt/2AgDPPK via /r/gifs http://ift.tt/2zPd0TN http://ift.tt/2AgDPPK