
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2018

parents spend the first 18 years scaring their kids into not getting pregnant, and the next 20 wondering why they wont

No text found via /r/Showerthoughts http://ift.tt/2CP3Mnh No text found

Wooden table with wooden cloth carving

http://ift.tt/2F4qjyB via /r/oddlysatisfying http://ift.tt/2owGwX4 http://ift.tt/2F4qjyB

And there better not be any paper under that desk.

http://ift.tt/2FGfS5d via /r/BlackPeopleTwitter http://ift.tt/2F4VSs4 http://ift.tt/2FGfS5d

Alex Jones Accused of Sexual Harassment, Bullying at InfoWars

http://ift.tt/2FD2fDP via /r/news http://ift.tt/2GUdPKn http://ift.tt/2FD2fDP

Someone Put a Statue of Jason Voorhees in a Minnesota Lake For Divers to Stumble Across

http://ift.tt/2ow6Ujt via /r/movies http://ift.tt/2COfQVT http://ift.tt/2ow6Ujt

That’s a lot of beer

http://ift.tt/2FFvKF1 via /r/nononono http://ift.tt/2t6uVT8 http://ift.tt/2FFvKF1

How to get a girlfriend off of tinder

http://ift.tt/2F3uChy via /r/Tinder http://ift.tt/2CNfcYN http://ift.tt/2F3uChy

Black wolf

http://ift.tt/2F3liWN via /r/pics http://ift.tt/2FFBtdZ http://ift.tt/2F3liWN

China bans George Orwell's Animal Farm as Xi Jinping extends grip on power

http://ift.tt/2FcyxrC via /r/news http://ift.tt/2F7rvo7 http://ift.tt/2FcyxrC

Pubg earth is flat confirmed

http://ift.tt/2oFDLBK via /r/gaming http://ift.tt/2ovwC7U http://ift.tt/2oFDLBK

Dog scares cats

http://ift.tt/2HR0ZO8 via /r/StartledCats http://ift.tt/2F14vnh http://ift.tt/2HR0ZO8

Fake news: The Onion's fake headline about Cleveland's sewer system is actually true

http://ift.tt/2tavzPJ via /r/nottheonion http://ift.tt/2owpx6Z http://ift.tt/2tavzPJ

Milwaukee news channel captured a mysterious light show over the city live during their show Tuesday morning.

https://youtu.be/0mkRgPGncn0 via /r/videos http://ift.tt/2owM9Er https://youtu.be/0mkRgPGncn0

One of my mothers chickens laid an egg and tied it with a bow

http://ift.tt/2GQVKwK via /r/mildlyinteresting http://ift.tt/2owdgQ6 http://ift.tt/2GQVKwK

This pretty girl turns 15 today so we took her to the beach.

http://ift.tt/2FcbX25 via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2F4cUWX http://ift.tt/2FcbX25

he saw the opportunity and he took it.

http://ift.tt/2HSKqS1 via /r/funny http://ift.tt/2oDwFha http://ift.tt/2HSKqS1

Tinder'll make you go crazy, I guess.

http://ift.tt/2FFc18m via /r/niceguys http://ift.tt/2t0x9n3 http://ift.tt/2FFc18m

Well this tweet took a wild turn

http://ift.tt/2FE7tzc via /r/trashy http://ift.tt/2sZzkHo http://ift.tt/2FE7tzc

MRW I can only communicate by way of raspberry tea bending and my wife asks if I found anything in my daughter's hair but I don't know that "louse" is the singular form for what I found in her filthy, disgusting mane.

http://ift.tt/2F9q8Fb via /r/shittyreactiongifs http://ift.tt/2F3g3KU http://ift.tt/2F9q8Fb

Roses are red, those crackers are wheat

http://ift.tt/2GRanjy via /r/boottoobig http://ift.tt/2F187K0 http://ift.tt/2GRanjy

I showed my girlfriend this sub and she hates it so much, so occasionally I mess with her.

http://ift.tt/2t3IVNw via /r/creepyasterisks http://ift.tt/2FDT8mo http://ift.tt/2t3IVNw

NFL names Pizza Hut as its new official pizza sponsor.

http://ift.tt/2oEieJN via /r/news http://ift.tt/2HPsUxY http://ift.tt/2oEieJN

TIL that a German landlord once evicted a tenant without notice for spreading Surströmming (Swedish fermented herring) brine in the building's stairwell. When taken to court, it was ruled that the eviction was justified when the landlord opened a can of the fish inside the courtroom.

http://ift.tt/1OH4c40 via /r/todayilearned http://ift.tt/2FEoJ7D http://ift.tt/1OH4c40

A Minecraft Voxelart piece I recently finished for a contest, hope you like it!

http://ift.tt/2CPpfwl via /r/gaming http://ift.tt/2Fbq9IQ http://ift.tt/2CPpfwl

Attracting the right people!

http://ift.tt/2HUGtMM via /r/Unexpected http://ift.tt/2F1VRcb http://ift.tt/2HUGtMM

Pence believes abortion will end "in our time," hinting that he thinks Trump will get another supreme court appointment who will overturn Roe. We all must register to vote. It can be done online. Here is the link. If the Dems retake the senate in Nov., Trump's appointments are dead on arrival.

http://ift.tt/1gAUo8K via /r/TwoXChromosomes http://ift.tt/2HRE31h http://ift.tt/1gAUo8K

Perpetual Flip Calendar

http://ift.tt/2Fb5ZPa via /r/DIY http://ift.tt/2F2aicm http://ift.tt/2Fb5ZPa

Feeling cute, might delete later

http://ift.tt/2FDFT5d via /r/StrangerThings http://ift.tt/2F0caSJ http://ift.tt/2FDFT5d

Hey guys, I know I'm late to the meme party but I just thought of this and had to share it.

http://ift.tt/2GOnMsM via /r/DunderMifflin http://ift.tt/2Cs0ieH http://ift.tt/2GOnMsM

Two drunk gentlemen try to pass each other

http://ift.tt/2ovENRQ via /r/gifsthatkeepongiving http://ift.tt/2F0SyCb http://ift.tt/2ovENRQ

These VR apps are getting out of hand

http://ift.tt/2F0PbLG via /r/gifs http://ift.tt/2BXdQxR http://ift.tt/2F0PbLG

Butterflies will sometimes land on a Caiman and drink its salty, crocodile tears to in order to survive. This helps the Caiman to feel both less sad and more fabulous.

http://ift.tt/2ovM8km via /r/pics http://ift.tt/2GPsiHo http://ift.tt/2ovM8km

"Just stay in there, you're done for tonight"

http://ift.tt/2HRLbuD via /r/sports http://ift.tt/2FECao2 http://ift.tt/2HRLbuD

Washington just passed the country’s toughest net neutrality legislation

http://ift.tt/2F1f7CN via /r/technology http://ift.tt/2HR0K5J http://ift.tt/2F1f7CN

Bride leaving her recently bombed home to get married, London, Nov 4 1940

http://ift.tt/2F1WYoi via /r/OldSchoolCool http://ift.tt/2F2vlLL http://ift.tt/2F1WYoi

Turn me on yourself.

http://ift.tt/2COE426 via /r/CrappyDesign http://ift.tt/2ow4ukV http://ift.tt/2COE426

Octopus riding sea turtle 🔥

http://ift.tt/2oBMyoi via /r/NatureIsFuckingLit http://ift.tt/2HTIkBw http://ift.tt/2oBMyoi

Two drunk gentlemen try to pass each other

http://ift.tt/2ovENRQ via /r/funny http://ift.tt/2CMidbR http://ift.tt/2ovENRQ

LSD produces a new type of ‘harmonic’ order in the brain, according to neuroimaging study - The drug resulted in the “emergence of new type of order in the brain,” the researchers found.

http://ift.tt/2HRTtmj via /r/science http://ift.tt/2EZQKp2 http://ift.tt/2HRTtmj

Catcha da fish

http://ift.tt/2t0qcm3 via /r/reallifedoodles http://ift.tt/2t2LI9M http://ift.tt/2t0qcm3

This is as good as any place to sit

http://ift.tt/2FI5XMJ via /r/AnimalsBeingDerps http://ift.tt/2oxIiXP http://ift.tt/2FI5XMJ

Don’t forget about the woodshop teacher...

http://ift.tt/2BWse9m via /r/MemeEconomy http://ift.tt/2oCiYio http://ift.tt/2BWse9m

Attracting the right people!

http://ift.tt/2HUGtMM via /r/funny http://ift.tt/2oBQN3c http://ift.tt/2HUGtMM

An old cup that keeps your moustache dry

http://ift.tt/2HS02Fa via /r/mildlyinteresting http://ift.tt/2oBR7Pn http://ift.tt/2HS02Fa

Bear-y amusing.

http://ift.tt/2GRRU6e via /r/Tinder http://ift.tt/2CsoZb2 http://ift.tt/2GRRU6e

If Netflix offered a premium plan to watch films currently in theater would you sign up?

If you could pay an extra 5-10$ a month to be able to watch films just released in theater at the convenience of your home through Netflix would you? They already charge more for 4K video so I don’t see this as something to terrible to add.Personally I would gladly pay to be able to watch new films in theater in my living room mainly because I have a one year old which means my wife and I rarely have free time to go see a film in theaters so I miss out on a lot of the films I want to see until they’re released for home viewing and hopefully I haven’t already seen major spoilers.Thoughts? via /r/movies http://ift.tt/2GQ6paU If you could pay an extra 5-10$ a month to be able to watch films just released in theater at the convenience of your home through Netflix would you? They already charge more for 4K video so I don’t see this as something to terrible to add. Personally I would gladly pay to be able to watch new films in theater in my living room mainly because I have a one year old...

Dick’s, Major Gun Retailer, Will Stop Selling Assault-Style Rifles

http://ift.tt/2BY3mOR via /r/news http://ift.tt/2FbTRO0 http://ift.tt/2BY3mOR

Bill Gates calls GMOs 'perfectly healthy' — and scientists say he's right. Gates also said he sees the breeding technique as an important tool in the fight to end world hunger and malnutrition.

http://ift.tt/2oBhE0n via /r/Futurology http://ift.tt/2F3BM1m http://ift.tt/2oBhE0n

Everyone, Meet ButtFace

http://ift.tt/2CO231s via /r/aww http://ift.tt/2F2gSiV http://ift.tt/2CO231s

[NSFW] People who got their nudes leaked, how did it affect your life?

No text found via /r/AskReddit http://ift.tt/2Fbin1r No text found